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North American Taiko Conference 2017


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North American Taiko Conference 2017

About NATC

The North American Taiko Conference (NATC) is a biennial event sponsored by the Taiko Community Alliance (TCA). Started in 1997, the conference was first held in Los Angeles, hosted by the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center, with the mission of supporting the growth of taiko in North America. NATC has become a central element of the taiko community, with workshops and discussion sessions for players of all levels. NATC also features public performances featuring a wide variety of taiko groups. NATC is attended by virtually all of the taiko community’s leaders, along with hundreds of players from around the world.

NATC has alternated between Los Angeles Japantown and other West Coast locations, and has been held at Sacramento State University, the University of Washington, Stanford University, and the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

The 2017 North American Taiko Conference will be held at the University of California, San Diego

Earlier Event: July 30
JO | HA | KYU Part II