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The NYKPAC 21ST Annual Performance: The Spirit of Timeless Tradition


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The NYKPAC 21ST Annual Performance: The Spirit of Timeless Tradition

  • Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Music Center 129 West 67th Street New York, NY, 10023 United States (map)

The New York Korean Performing Arts Center proudly presents its 21st annual concert, The Spirit of Timeless Tradition, featuring its foremost performing group, Sounds of Korea, which has been described by The New York Times as “a dazzling performance. . .search for spiritual truth and dream-like precision.” Under the director of the decorated dancer and musician Sue Yeon Park, the program will include the vibrant Fan Dance, Jindo Drum Dance, and the Dance of Joy, coupled with instrumental traditional and contemporary works for gayageum, haegeum, piri, daegeum, and percussion. Invited guests, Gamin, and Japanese drummer, composer, and flutist Kaoru Watanabe will join the ensemble in exploring improvisations within the great Korean traditions of music and dance.

Orchestra $100
Front & Rear Orchestra $50
Left & Right Orchestra $35
Balcony $25
Merkin Concert Hall
Tel: 212 501 3330

Earlier Event: October 20
Kenny Endo Contemporary Ensemble
Later Event: November 14
Workshops in Germany